
First American Title Corporation had a need for a company to Scan Title Polices across the Tri-State Area. First American required a company to scan and index 1 million images a week.

Need Synopsis:

  • Title polices needed to be converted by contracting with a company that could provide Document Imaging Logistics for dozens of Title Plants and the capacity to scan 70+ million images


Foveonics provided Document Scanning Services for dozens of First American Subsidiaries in the Tri-State Area. Foveonics was contracted to box, transport, scan and index Title Polices. Part of the agreement was the capability to provide 1 million images per week, which Foveonics exceeded.

Solution Synopsis:

  • Transport, Index, Scan and Load into Proprietary System
  • Scan 1+ million images a week
  • Provide results with 99.9% accuracy


By Contracting with Foveonics First American was able to reduce operating costs for their subsidiaries and help to produce better services for their clients. Foveonics scanned close to 70 million images in a year and half fordozens of Subsidiaries. With the expedited process First American was able to get Title Companies to the market faster.

Results Synopsis:

  • 70+ million images were delivered to Title Companies
  • More secure protection for the consume
  • Fewer disputes over the title due to digital access

New Jersey based Foveonics Inc., founded in September 2003, is a leading document management services and solutions provider to government agencies. Foveonics has worked extensively alongside our clients and NJ DORES, assisting in the certification process for both Migration Path and Microfilm.


If you are need of further assistance
please contact:


Phone: (908) 209-1188